Monday, December 19, 2011

Steve Jobs Tribute

Programs: Photoshop
After Effects

First off, let me say, I do not own the rights to apple, any of its products, steve jobs likeness, or the graduation speech video that is presented in this short film. Everything else, I created, (animation, fairy steve jobs, etc).

This was a tribute video i was commissioned to make about Steve Jobs.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Bluesco Logo

Programs: Photoshop

This logo was design for a blues band. The client specifically requested it to be black & white. The Harmonica is a vector image created in Illustrator with the pen tool and live paint(I love live paint). The Disco Ball behind it was created from scratch using Photoshop, as was the star surrounding it. This design took about 2hours to complete not including the slight tweaks.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Fit2dMax Wellness & Performance Academy Flyer

This is flyer I did for Fit2dMax Elite training program. This flyer supposed to portray extreme fitness for those people that take working out seriously.